Home Building

Securing Your Dreams of Building and Renovating

There’s something uniquely exciting about creating a home that’s entirely your own, whether it’s building a new home from scratch or transforming your existing home through renovation.

At STAC Home – being part of the property development finance leaders, STAC Capital – we understand construction finance better than anyone. We also completely understand first-hand the allure of customising your own home, so we’re here to help you secure the necessary funding to bring your vision to life.

Navigating finance for construction or renovation can be complex, with lending policies and requirements that vary incredibly from lender to lender. That’s why we offer specialised services to guide you through the process. Here’s how we can help:

  1. Understanding Your Project: Whether you’re building a new home or planning a renovation, we take the time to understand your project’s specifics. This understanding helps us guide you effectively, from budgeting to finding the right loan.
  1. Securing Construction Loans: Construction loans have specific intricacies, during the application process and throughout the build, with funds typically released in stages as construction progresses. We identify suitable construction loans for your project, negotiate favourable terms, and manage the staged payments process.
  1. Navigating the Paperwork: Construction and renovation loans come with their own set of paperwork, from building contracts to council approvals. We’re here to simplify this process, helping you gather the necessary documents and ensuring everything is in order.
  1. Ongoing Support: Our service continues even after your loan is secured. We offer ongoing support throughout your project’s lifecycle, dealing with the lender as necessary, answering any questions, and helping you manage your loan.

Building a new home or renovating an existing one is a significant project, filled with big decisions and substantial financial commitments. At STAC Home, we’re committed to making this process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Are you ready to bring your dream home or renovation to life? Get in touch with us now, and one of our experienced brokers will get in touch to discuss your project. With STAC Home and STAC Capital, you can focus on creating your dream living space, while we take care of the financial details.

Get in touch

Wondering how we might be able to help you get your vision on track? Complete your details and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.