Residual Stock Finance

Unlock Opportunities from Your Completed Project

The nature of property development and construction finance means that all of your Equity & Profits get unlocked from the sales of the last lots or units. When the market is slower and sales are taking longer to achieve, this can really hold your pipeline back.

STAC Capital can help you unlock your opportunities, structuring a Residual Stock Finance facility on the remaining unsold portion of your projects, which can be used to:

  • Payout a Construction Finance facility

    • reduce interest cost with a lower rate & fees

    • provide more time to progressively sell down at better prices

  • Unlock Equity to put into your next development

    • be a major saving compared to using Mezzanine Debt

    • bring forward development timeframes to reduce your costs and improve your returns


Get in touch

Wondering how we might be able to help you get your vision on track? Complete your details and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.