Asset Finance
Fast Delivery at the Right Price
We’ve been financing all sorts of assets for our whole careers – ranging from a small car or IT equipment, through collectable supercars, to very large multi-million dollar highly-specialised industrial and mining assets.
Unlike finance brokers who just do asset finance, our significant experience in all forms of business & corporate lending (including import finance & FX) means that we do more than just find a loan product that is quick & easy. Absolutely we get you moving as quickly as possible – but we put the effort in to aligning the strengths of your business & financials, with a lender & product that is best suited to your specific needs & circumstances. We don’t take shortcuts.

Asset & Equipment Finance Experience
Financing of countless numbers of standard cars & motor vehicles on a regular basis.
Revolving asset finance line, enabling acquisitions of new trucks and trailers within 24 hours without credit approval.
Business Turnover $13m
Funding package $9m
Multiple facilities for the import and financing of yellow-goods machines. Forward Exchange Contracts to lock in AUD value of purchase price, Trade Finance during import, then long-term Lease/Hire Purchase finance.
Facility limit $3m
Whether you’re buying your dream toy or a work-horse, or even a full-motion sim, with one of STAC's Directors being a pilot, you don’t have to explain aviation basics to us.
Finance for the purchase of a 1990 (28 year old) collectable Ferrari F40 after a normal finance broker was unable to achieve an approval for Asset Finance.
Purchase Price $2.5m
Import Lease, comprising Documentary Letter of Credit, short-term Trade Finance and Asset Finance for import of €3m industrial printer.
Also Term Property Debt to assist with acquisition of $10m industrial property.
Richard Becconsall
From London’s thriving pre-GFC Investment Banking scene, to Australia’s dynamic Asset & Business finance landscape, Richard “Becco” Becconsall is no stranger to facilitating innovative financial solutions.
He was an integral part of Macquarie’s Asset Finance division from 2008, in both internal projects & acquisitions roles, as well as front-line business development. His deal experience has included funding “un-fundable” assets such as vintage cars, structuring comprehensive finance solutions for earthmoving businesses, and even turning past bankruptcy challenges into successfully funded deals, Rich’s prowess in equipment and business finance makes him an invaluable resource for business owners and the STAC Capital team

Get in touch
Wondering how we might be able to help you get your vision on track? Complete your details and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.